LJ Drilling & Exploration

Role: Graphic Designer
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

LJ Drilling & Exploration is a small start-up company that specializes in drilling boreholes for water in small or tight spaces where the usual big trucks can’t reach.

They reached out to me when they launched their company to assist them with branding and print orders.

My first project with the company included creating a unique and eye-catching logo + colour palette. The logo is fun and light-hearted which is exactly what the owners requested. They are such nice people with good hearts making a living doing something that they truly enjoy. The logo includes a water channel, borehole and water tank giving life to a tree – this symbolizes exactly what the company does.

I also created some business cards for the company.

This start-up company has now grown into a large business that serves the community well and I am proud to have been part of the team when it all started.

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